30-second elevator pitch: I am a software engineer by trade and linguist by training. My master's degree was computational. It employed NLP, recommendation, machine learning, and container technology (Docker). I worked for large corporations (Dell EMC) and small ones including start-ups of various sizes (1, 5, 30+ employees). I have built technology in various areas including agriculture (Fort Supply Technology, LLC.), data backup (Mozy, Dell EMC), and education (BYU's Continuing Education and Independent Study). Notable projects and experience range from preparing for datacenter crash and hacks, datacenter crashes (2+), building a custom code linter for my team which saved hours of work, standing up thousands of external VMs to simulate both actual user experience and to test an entire datacenter simultaneously. I have made reports and pages load 1000 times faster for end-customers by optimizing queries and code.
And I definitely know how to use git--I use git rebase regularly with ease. Somehow a lot of
engineers miss the memo on the importance of knowing git/merkle trees through and through.
Longer-pitch (public links when available):
- software engineering
- contribute to open source
- conduct research
- solve problems
- publish
- gather helpful NLP tools
- do lots of smaller projects just for fun
- follow the crypto space (security and finances)
- analyze my work habits
- muse/blog
Me and Mine
- Bitcoin
- BYU Testing Center
Project (also available in the google chrome store for free)
- BYU Webcams Project (also available in the google chrome store for free). Shows you the weather outside and inside. It also automatically updates!
- Food Classification (machine learning): Ever wonder whether that particular "health food" is more like fast food?
- hammocks
- hamTools, a small aspiring website with links to various ham radio sites, tools, and information.
- ham radio exam preparation, a fork of SlickQuiz I modified to build a light ham radio exam preparation tool. You can obtain the code at SlickQuizHam.git.
- In-house scripts
- Haiku--Including some from General Conference
- Java 7 Porter Stemmer
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Browser (Custom Built)
- Learn interesting words
- LDS Talks by Topic
- My public github projects + forks
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/beanmichael
- Posts on LinkedIn
- My Blog
- My Blog: linguistics
- Noisy Midi Music Recognition Using Genetic Alignment
- Paraphrase Detection
- RelRec code
- RelRec thesis document, A Framework for Evaluating Recommender Systems (570+ downloads)
- Roman Numeral Converter: converts to decimal; built using regular expressions, which was a novel and adaptable approach I hadn't considered before this project.
- Simple Orthographic Alliteration Locator
- Theological topics through time: An application of Gibbs-sampled LDA and post-hoc metrics to compare religious venues in talks at conferences
- WP SCI Windows Phone 7, 8 version of the Scripture Citation Index (Online Versions: http://scriptures.byu.edu/, http://scriptures.byu.edu/mapscrip/)
Some metrics that you might find interesting *
* Last updated 2015
So, naturally, I like
- AngularJS and its Protractor
- BDD Testing
- bing.com
- books (e.g. Psion series, The Inheritance Cycle series)
- homebrew
- JMeter
- Linux containers (e.g. docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud SDK)
- brain storming/creating
- BYU Continuing Education
- BYU Independent Study
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library
- BYU Linguistics Department
- codemagic
- deno
- designing (websites, woodwork, possible kickstarter projects)
- EchoLink
- ExpressJS
- FamilySearch
- firebase
- fixing / upgrading things (Power tools + glue + duct tape)
- flutter
- github.com
- glue: wood glue, gorilla glue, superglue, duct tape (the real kind)
- golang
- google.com
- Ham Radio (arrl.org)
- HamStudy.org
- Heroku
- Jasmine
- Jira
- jsfiddle.com
- jQuery
- Jupyter + Python
- LDS.org
- My LinkedIn Articles
- Mocha, Chai, and Sinon
- newegg.com
- NextJS
- oh-my-zsh
- rust
- scriptures.byu.edu
- ShareLatex
- stackoverflow.com
- to think
- Tensorflow
- tigerdirect.com
- woodworking (dremeling, drilling, cutting, sanding---all with wood)
- wikipedia
- writing a journal in LaTeX (see wikipedia LaTeX entry)